
(dropping debian-admin from the conversation as their side is dealt

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 02:44:04PM -0300, Mauricio Faria de Oliveira wrote:
> Hi Antonio,
> On 08/23/2014 11:59 AM, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> >>  * Build 
> >> log:https://buildd.debian.org/fetch.cgi?pkg=ruby-ffi&arch=ppc64el&ver=1.9.3debian-2&stamp=1408749679&file=log
> [...]
> >I would like to do the porting work necessary for ruby-ffi on ppc64el,
> First, thanks for being willing to help.
> Second, in respect of your time, I believe that sort of errors (related
> to variadic arguments call) is fixed on Ubuntu, with a small patch, in
> case it helps. (I know little about ruby, but that one looks like it.)

OK. I applied that, and submittted it for review upstream as well.

> >but it seems that the schroot setup on the available porter box is
> >slightly broken:
> >
> >terceiro@pastel:~$ schroot -b -c unstable -n ruby-ffi
> >E: /srv/chroot/unstable_ppc64el.tar.gz: Failed to stat file: No such file or 
> >directory
> AFAIK there were some changes going on recently.  I just tried that,
> and it seems OK (unpacked and gave me a shell). May you please check it?

Yeah it is fixed now.

Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>

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