On Wed, 04 Jun 2014 06:45:54 +0900
Hiroyuki Yamamoto <yama1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> VMX128 doesn't seem compatible with VMX on OPcode level as follows:
> http://biallas.net/doc/vmx128/vmx128.txt
> https://sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2007-03/msg00075.html


Thanks for the reply, I've been reading the info in those links myself,
from what I understand the VMX128 opcodes are an extention, that is,
they are added on top of the existing VMX opcodes, isn't that correct?
If not, then you're right and I will go forth and fix the data on the
tables. Also, I noticed something else, those opcodes, while on 2007
binutils, are not in the current version of binutils-and I guess that
there are no respective intrinsics in gcc for that matter. Anyone by
any chance knows why? If VMX128 is a completely dead and obsolete SIMD
unit then perhaps I should not include it, it has been very hard
finding documentation on it as it, the only things I could find were




However, these include some -probably informative- docs on
xds.xbox.com, which does not exist anymore. So the links you mentioned
and the above are the only info I could find on vmx128.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your time.


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