There are exactly 2 options:

1) SE (single ended) disks sometimes include active terminator in disk. for example Seagate Cheetah 4.5 Gb disk. just put jumper on TP on last disk in chain.

2) LVD (low voltage differential) disks never include terminator. (at least i had not seen any).
You need external active terminator (looks like dongle) at end of bus.
This also means, that you need cable with at least 4 connectors.

SCSI CDROM can be SE device probably. Check if that one has TP jumper.

If controller is SE type, you can mix SE / LVD devices, they should work.

If possible, try to remove some disks, and leave only one. Sometimes bad electronics on one drive can break whole SCSI chain.


On 08/28/2012 05:05 PM, Bruno Gallichand wrote:


Thanks for your reply. Even though the SCSI disk partitioning went perfect and all partitions are fully initialized, and the base Woody (3.0) is installed, I still get this forever reported message at boot time:

SCSI host 0   abort   (pid 0)  timed out -- resetting

SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0

Ncr53c8xx_reset : pid = 0 reset_flags = 2 serial_number=(increasing numbers) serial_number_at_timeout= (increasing numbers)

I have three disks (9 gig, 9gig, 17 gig) and a CDROM. No external SCSI bus terminator is being used. Should I add one?

  Thanks, and kind regards,

  B. Gallichand

*From:* dale-bresnan []
*Sent:* August-25-12 11:57 AM
*To:* Bruno Gallichand;
*Subject:* Re: PowerPC Debian install on IBM 43P boot problems...


i have a RS/6000 (43P) 7248 running etch [4.0] (kernel 2.6.18)

upgraded from 3.0.

there was a install for the 7248 in the debian site..using 3.0

no scsi problems on the install and it is still working o.k.

what is the error message??


    ----- Original Message -----

    *From:* Bruno Gallichand <>


    *Sent:* Friday, August 24, 2012 11:15 AM

    *Subject:* PowerPC Debian install on IBM 43P boot problems...

    Dear all,

      I`m trying to revive an old IBM 43P for a customer into using it
    with Debian 3.0 (that`s the only version I was able to get
    bootable floppy images).

      After the successful partionning and installation of the base
    OS, during boot, it is stuck displaying infinite messages about
    the SCSI Controller 0, trying to reset it, and never ends.

      Has anyone been successful in such an installation on an old IBM


    *Bruno Gallichand*

    Sonar Systems Specialist - Miltary Engineering Group

    CAE Inc.
    8585 Côte-de-Liesse
    Saint-Laurent, Quebec
    Canada H4T 1G6
    Email: <>
    T: 514.341.2000 Ext. 3454
    Grid Location: 2A29

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