Hi, Michel.

2011/5/6 Michel Dänzer <daen...@debian.org>:
> Hmm weird, probably an X driver bug. Does the option have any effect on
> the distortion of 3D apps though?

I reenabled ColorTiling and the weird problems that affected Emacs
(and other applications) are gone. Should this be filed in any BTS?
Which one?

> Unfortunately, this only shows where the GPU lockup is noticed, not what 
> caused it.
> Do the lockups occur with radeon.agpmode=-1 (may also require radeon.no_wb=1) 
> as well?

No, with radeon.agpmode=-1, I am able to use the computer OK, with no
signs of GPU lockup like before, but the graphics of any 3D
application are still messed like the ones in those photos that I took

I have not yet tried radeon.no_wb=1 till now. Should I use it?


Rogério Brito : rbrito@{ime.usp.br,gmail.com} : GPG key 4096R/BCFCAAAA
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