Have you tried importing the other xorg.conf file from 5 to 6?
Or setting the TV options in the device section?

On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Lee Wilson <leef...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I've just done a fresh install of Debian 6 on my PPC Mini Mac and for the
> life of me cannot get X up and running. The Mac is connected to my TV via
> VGA through a DVI-to-VGA adapter (no DVI on my TV) and the screen just keeps
> flicking on and off.
> When I installed Debian 5 everything just worked with config straight after
> install, so I never had to troubleshoot. I've reinstalled Debian 5 just to
> make sure it did just work and GDM came straight up. Both include the radeon
> driver which I believe is the correct one for the Radeon 9200 in the Mac.
> I've attached both configs from 5 & 6, from my limited understanding I
> cannot see much difference. When diffing the configs there are quite a few
> more options in the config but most are disabled I think.
> The last message I see when running X with either config is "Leaving
> Restore TV" and when generating the config the errors below are shown:
> Bus error at address 0x481777000
> Fatal Server Error
> Caught Signal 7 (Bus Error). Server aborting
> Debian 5 was running  X.org X server 1.4.2 and 6 is running 1.7.7.
> I believe this is down to some kind of refresh rate issue (at least from
> what I've googled) so I tried to manually generate the mode lines for my
> using the following link http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.plbut 
> it made no difference regardless of what resolution I choose that my TV
> lists as supported.
> Has anyone else run into this and can offer some insight?
> Thanks in advance
> Lee

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