>>>>> "Moffett," == Moffett, Kyle D <kyle.d.moff...@boeing.com> writes:

>> I don't think that you will be successful building squeeze from
>> scratch for powerpcspe.  Some packages need patches to properly build
>> on powerpcspe (i think that even includes libc6).  Those packages are
>> not even in 'unstable' but in 'unreleased'.

> This is also correct.  Now that "wheezy" is opened up we plan to
> submit patches from "unreleased" and get them merged into "unstable"
> (and from there to "wheezy/testing"), but there are too many packages
> that will probably never be fixed in "squeeze".

> For example, the GCC sources currently in squeeze have a rather severe
> floating point register bug on PowerPC e500v2.

>> By the way I'm going to use debian-powerpcspe for an embedded system,
>> too.  Already set up a pretty usable build systems on a p2020rdb,
>> based on debian-ports sid+unreleased.

> I'm glad to know there's others who care about Debian on e500 out
> there :-D.

>> I usually CC them when posting about powerpcspe-specific issues.
>> Maybe they can shed some light on how things are stabilizing, and
>> where help is needed (i'd be able to spend a few days per month on
>> ppcspe).
>> You know, the best way to make it more stable is to use it, report
>> problems, and contribute patches :)

> I'm working on the port intermittently right now; my big task at the
> moment is getting our kernel and U-Boot patches upstream, then I need
> to roll "official" Debian kernel images.

> Once that is done I need to see how many other patches I can get
> upstreamed from "unreleased", then try to make an "official"
> Debian-Installer release.

> Let me know if you have anything in particular you'd like to work on,
> I'll give what advice I can!

Currently the most severe limitation of powerpcspe is that we have to
use 'unstable'.  But I don't see that any of the debian-ports
architectures carries 'testing', so maybe we won't have
'testing'/'stable' unless everything is integrated into mainline debian?

Is there anything I could help with in that regard?

Other than that I'm currently trying to get live-boot working on ppcspe.
live-build is broken since it relies on debootstrap, which won't work
with sid+unreleased packages.  Using multistrap for now.

I also have a sharp eye on gcc, making sure it's fully functional.  Is
there anything I can do to help the gcc patches move into wheezy?


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