On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 6:09 AM, Rick Thomas <rbtho...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Jul 25, 2010, at 11:23 PM, Rick Thomas wrote:
>> A third possibilty, though remote, is that the iso was improperly built.
>>  I'll verify that myself and get back to you.
> I downloaded and burned the iso.  I verified the MD5 and compared the burned
> CD with the ISO.  All went well.  Then I booted it on my own Mac mini G4.
>  It booted fine (I used the "C" hold-down method) and started the installer.
>  I didn't run any further, because I didn't want to mess up my MacOS-X
> machine, but it at least booted.
> So there's no problem with the iso file itself.

Thanks !

Here is what I did on my amd64 box:

$ wget 
$ md5sum debian-505-powerpc-netinst.iso
86268f3a463460828ec12831d6520df7  debian-505-powerpc-netinst.iso
$ cmp /dev/cdrom debian-505-powerpc-netinst.iso
$ echo $?

I would be tempted to say my cdrom was burned ok. To get into more
details see (*).

In summary:
- DVD 1 Tiger 10.4
 -> I can boot using C
 -> I can boot using Option
 -> I can boot using Option+Command+o+f
- Debian 5.0.5 CD-RW
 -> I can NOT boot using C
 -> I can NOT boot using Option
 -> I can NOT boot using Option+Command+o+f

I also tried burning the image on two CD-R, but cmp would failed everytime with:

$ cmp /dev/cdrom debian-505-powerpc-netinst.iso
cmp: /dev/cdrom: Input/output error

However both isovfy and isoinfo were happy with the CD-R

Thanks for any further advices,
$ isoinfo -d -i=/dev/cdrom
CD-ROM is in ISO 9660 format
System id: LINUX
Volume id: Debian 5.0.5 ppc Bin-1
Volume set id:
Publisher id:
Data preparer id:
Copyright File id:
Abstract File id:
Bibliographic File id:
Volume set size is: 1
Volume set sequence number is: 1
Logical block size is: 2048
Volume size is: 102188
NO Joliet present
Rock Ridge signatures version 1 found

k3b reveals this info about the cdrom (imation cd-rw 80min):

/dev/sr0: ATIP capacity: 79:57:74
(K3bDevice::Device) READ CAPACITY: 22:42:37 other capacity: 79:57:74
Mediatype:       CD-RW
Current Profile: CD-RW
Disk state:      complete
Empty:           0
Rewritable:      1
Appendable:      0
Sessions:        1
Tracks:          1
Layers:          1
Capacity:        79:57:74 (LBA 359849) (736970752 Bytes)
Remaining size:  00:00:00 (LBA 0) (0 Bytes)
Used Size:       22:42:38 (LBA 102188) (209281024 Bytes)
Session |  ADR   | CONTROL|  TNO   | POINT  |  Min   |  Sec   | Frame
|  Zero  |  PMIN  |  PSEC  | PFRAME |
      1 |      1 |      4 |      0 |     a0 |      0 |      0 |      0
|      0 |      1 |      0 |      0 |
      1 |      1 |      4 |      0 |     a1 |      0 |      0 |      0
|      0 |      1 |      0 |      0 |
      1 |      1 |      4 |      0 |     a2 |      0 |      0 |      0
|      0 |     22 |     44 |     38 |
      1 |      1 |      4 |      0 |      1 |      0 |      0 |      0
|      0 |      0 |      2 |      0 |
      1 |      5 |      4 |      0 |     b0 |    255 |    255 |    255
|      3 |     79 |     59 |     74 |
      1 |      5 |      4 |      0 |     c0 |     44 |      0 |    174
|      0 |     97 |     34 |     24 |
      1 |      5 |      4 |      0 |     c1 |    204 |    148 |     50
|      0 |      0 |      0 |      0 |
(K3bDevice::Device) found invalid bcd values. No bcd toc.

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