This is reported as Debian bug #587290 -- please followup to the bug report.

The generated /etc/yaboot.conf contains lines
        append="root=UUID ro"
for partitions that have their /etc/fstab root line using "UUID=... " .

This makes it impossible to boot into those partitions:
 the boot progresses to the point of trying to mount the root
 filesystem and dies with
        Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ... done
        Mount: mounting UUID on /root failed: No such directory
 then a few more errors obviously caused by not having a mounted root
 and eventually dropping into the (initrd) BusyBox shell.

When I went back and changed the offending line to
        append="root=/dev/hda6 ro"
and reran ybin, everything was fine.

See bug # 580455 for another aspect of the switch to UUID naming being
broken on powerPC.



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