From: "Otavio Salvador" <ota...@ossystems.com.br>
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 6:15 PM
To: "Norberto Feliberty" <thegame4121...@msn.com>
Cc: "Rick Thomas" <rbtho...@pobox.com>; <562...@bugs.debian.org>; <debian-b...@lists.debian.org>; "PowerPC List Debian" <debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org> Subject: Re: Bug still present [Re: Bug#562575: installation-reports: Buisnesscard PowerPC installer loops with Segmentation faults]


Good news :-)

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Otavio Salvador
<ota...@ossystems.com.br> wrote:
I'll resume what I've gotten from my debugging session today.

I got it working and I've asked for a binNMU for cdebconf to be
queued. It looks to fix it, at least it did for my test here.

Let's see how it goes.

Otavio Salvador                  O.S. Systems
E-mail: ota...@ossystems.com.br  http://www.ossystems.com.br
Mobile: +55 53 9981-7854         http://projetos.ossystems.com.br

That's great to hear Hopefully this will get things rolling again since I see that the latest daily squeeze build has stopped on Jan 11.

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