On Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 09:05:54PM -0400, Frank Rubinsky wrote:
> I looked around the apple site, and couldn't find any Pre-OS X  
> downloads - there may be an archive somewhere, but I couldn't find  
> it.  However, a couple of people in the Apple Legacy Software Support  
> Forums had pointers to http://www.macintoshgarden.org/apps/operating- 
> systems .  I have never used it and have no idea as to it's legal  
> status, but it sure has lots of old MacOS versions.
I went and looked on the Apple support downloads web site (which is
at http://support.apple.com/downloads/) and saw a link to "Older
Software Downloads" (http://support.apple.com/kb/TA48312?viewlocale=en_US)
which appears to have page after page of old stuff, including System 6
and most of the versions of System 7 (looks like all but 7.6). This
page also has tons of old drivers and patches and stuff. The main thing
there that wasn't already free that you might want is a copy of 7.5.3,
and the update to 7.5.5 is there but was already a free download. That
was what would have probably shipped with an 8500. My 7600 which is
roughly the same age shipped with a CD that booted 7.5.3 but also had
the 7.5.5 update packaged in with it.

        Brad Boyer

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