same problem

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:34 PM, Benjamin Cama <> wrote:

> Amit Uttamchandani a écrit :
>> On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 10:42:45 -0400
>> "Tomislav V. Butkovic" <> wrote:
>>> I'm installing debian lenny on an ibook g4 800mhz 360+mb ram and the
> Did you add the RAM yourself or was it added by your friend ? Do you know
> the brand, and its age ?

No new RAM on mine. Just started to happen

>  installation process keeps freezing during various points of the
>>> installation during various installation attempts. Most commonly
>>> during the partintioning or during the installation  of the base
>>> system. The farthest I've gotten in the installation of the base
>>> system is 98% then it froze. I am not sure what the problem here is.
>>> It seems that the longer period of time that the machine is off, the
>>> farther it can go through with the installation.
> To me this sounds like a faulty RAM problem. Try removing any additionnal
> RAM module and install Debian the usual way.
>  I got the ibook from a friend with no hard drive. I put a 160gb
>>> seagate hard drive in, pata. I have tried installing ubuntu,
>>> opensuse, and now debian. Debian is the only installer that has
>>> gotten this far without any other problems.
> Has this iBook got any other problem before that you're aware of ?

mine cannot do squat before halting, sometimes at boot time of OSX other
times after booting, just idling.

>  Any help would be appreciated. I am new to linux, though I strongly
>>> support the concept of community run open source software development
>>> and the free distribution of information.
>>> Thank You,
>>> tomislav
>>  [...]
>> Instead of installing the whole base system. Simply use the net-install
>> CD and install the most basic system. This means when you are asked to
>> select what kind of install you want, disable the 'Desktop System'.
> Is there any memory testing tool for powerpc ? AFAIK, memtest is only for
> x86 ... Could be usefull to detect RAM problems.
> Regards,
> benjamin
> --
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