Ok, thanks I will try searching the forums to see if anyone is having
similar problem w/ fan. Also, While booting I'm not going directly into
login screen after selecting the Ubuntu Partition on my dual boot system. It
takes me to a command prompt and I have to enter Linux nosplash and hit
enter and then it takes me to login screen. Any work around that? I found on
a forum that I should go to terminal and enter the following command:
     - sudo nano /etc/yaboot/conf
and replace append"=quiet splash" with append"=video=ofonly nosplash"

Here's the catch: when I enter sudo nano /etc/yaboot/conf it opens a window,
but its blank where is all the script? I'm clueless. I will not give up on

Thanks for your help!!

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Bob Lounsbury <boblounsb...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 11:20 AM, m p <mpcres...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thanks for all the feedback. I ended up installing Ubuntu 8.10 using
>> the alternate CD sucessfully for the first time! Everything seems to
>> be working, but the fans is almost always on...it seems like ubuntu is
>> taxing the system more than mac os x? is that possible? Also, what is
>> the least resource intensive desktop environment I can use on ubuntu
>> 8.10? How do I confirm that I have the right video drivers on my
>> system?
>> thanks in advance!
>> mp
> Bottom posting list :-}. I have an iBook G3 and also tried Ubuntu, but
> found the exact same problem and a few others. Ubuntu has a lot of extra
> junk in the trunk, from trying to cater to everyones whims. This is why I
> use Debian, very low on resources and runs great.
> /Bob

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