I have side by side my laptop (ibook G4 Debian GNU/Linux) and desktop
(mac mini mac os x 10.5.6).   I have found ethtools in debian and the
connection speed is only 10Mb/s in the mac network utility the link
speed is set at 54Mb/s.  So what gives you said that 54Mb/s was
allowed and side by side I am only getting 10Mb/s on my linux box.

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Benjamin Cama <> wrote:
> stephen sefick a écrit :
>> I have read that the b43 driver only allows 11mbs while the
>> ndiswrapper procedure works at 54mbs.  My wireless is running slow and
>> I am trying to get it up to speed any help would be appreciated.
>> Should I use ndiswrapper or am I out of luck.
> First, b43 indeed allows 54Mbps, and it wouldn't change anything anyway as
> the speed limiting factor would be your internet connection. Second,
> ndiswrapper can't work on PPC, as it uses DLL created for Windows on the x86
> architecture.
> Your problem must come from somewhere else. I personnaly have no speed
> problem with b43.
> Regards,
> Benjamin

Stephen Sefick

Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about things that are
so little or so large that all they really do for us is puff us up and
make us feel like gods.  We are mammals, and have not exhausted the
annoying little problems of being mammals.

                                                                -K. Mullis

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