On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Amit Uttamchandani
<amit.ut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Feb 2009 20:24:07 -0500
> stephen sefick <ssef...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ibook G4 Debian 5.0 Lenny
>> How do I install the flash plug in for ice weasel...  Other things
>> that I have noticed are that lenny doesn't go to sleep when I close my
>> laptop.  How do I fix this.
>> thanks in advance,
> Regarding the sleep issue I am having the same problems with a
> PowerBook G4. The last working kernel I know of is 2.6.25. Maybe the
> newer kernels fix this issue.
> For flash the only choice for power pc is gnash. It works on some
> websites but not all

I have an iBook G3 and sleep is working just fine with Lenny.
Although, I've disabled gnome-power-manager (which was causing
problems) from System->Preferences->Sessions, and I'm allowing
pbbuttonsd and powernowd to control this. Pbbuttonsd is the main
utility that controls suspend and the laptop specific keys like screen
brightness, sound, and the eject button.

The other flash choice for powerpc is swfdec-mozilla, which I think is
installed by default on Lenny as I just did a fresh install, but I
haven't tried setting it up or anything.


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