On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 08:50:40AM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:


> You need to write a kernel driver for it, which should not be too
> difficult.
> Hints for anyone wanting to do that :
>   1) the processor specs for the powerpc cpus are usually available, at
>   least the freescale ones. The G3 being a IBM part, you should look for
>   it in the IBM website or google for it.
>   2) LDD3 (Linux Driver Development, release 3 if my memory is good)
>   explains how to do a sysfs driver, or take example on an existing one,
>   it is rather simple, you need to write the module init/deinit
>   function, a structure which holds the sysfs ops, and you probably only
>   want the read and write function.
>   3) in the write function, you access the register and put a value to
>   it, in the read function, you get the value of the register. This may
>   need to be dfone in assembly, but the powerpc assembly reference
>   manual is available (from freescale and probably from ibm too). Or
>   simply copy the code for other registers.
> Once you have that, you can play with it and write some userland tool.

Thanks for giving this info, but using and actually write a kernel
module is beyond my capabilities (and time available to get the
particular computing task done). 

> Please forward this message to the list, since i am being censored.


Hans Ekbrand (http://sociologi.cjb.net) <h...@sociologi.cjb.net>

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