
the IBM 7248-133 (43P) Power PC is a 'prep' machine and only boots from an IBM 
load a image  'zImage.prep' to SDA1 and load the linux software (root) on to an 
partition (SDA3)  SDA2 is swap in my case.
power on the PC and it boots.
rebuilding sarge with the latest sarge kernel and proper config builds a 
it is a kernel(vmlinuz) and a (boot) loader, there is no grub or yaboot 
it 'runs' just find, mail and apache2 work o.k.

with etch no such image is built, at least I have not found it.
searched the source tree for zImage.prep, and none was found.

any more ideas?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Benjamin Hoffman 
  To: dale 
  Cc: debian-ppc 
  Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 3:20 PM
  Subject: Re: IBM power pc

  I installed etch on a 7044 using the net install cd after installing new 
firmware from IBM.

  Described here:

  On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:52 AM, dale <> wrote:

    hi there;

    I have a IBM power-pc 7248 model
    and would like to upgrade the O.S. (linux debian sarge)
    to etch...

    have tried to build a new kernel on the 7248
    and as of yet not gotten a zImage.prep built

    seems that the build (make) does not 'make' 
    a image for this machine anymore.

    the latest sarge kernel works (builds) just fine.

    thanks for any help 



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