On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 09:54:21PM +0200, Simon Vallet wrote:
> Hi Stephen,

Hey Simon, thanks for the help.
> On Wed, 3 Sep 2008 12:22:01 +0000
> Stephen Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[ ...]

> > I don't have a Linux workstation available to make boot floppies; Can these 
> > boot floppies be made in MacOS 
> > ? If so how ? All the instructions I've been able to grep assume that one 
> > has a Linux box handy to make 
> > boot floppies. Do I need to go the boot floppy route, or should I be able 
> > to boot with the MacOS system 
> > CD, and then mount the Debian net install on the other drive ?
> AFAICR you can't boot those systems using a standard install CD -- it
> might have something to do with some parts of the boot code being
> proprietary and as such not freely redistributable.

> There are at least three ways to boot an Oldworld : quik, some utility
> that piggy-backs on the MacOS bootloader (I can't recall the name), or
> directly booting a COFF kernel image (I'm not even sure that one works
> on the beige G3).

BootX probably is the one that piggy-backs.
> I personally use quik, but this might not be your best option :
> if you want to go that route, search for posts similar to yours in the
> archives -- I posted quite a lot of messages to the list at that time
> (some years back, I fear). The MacOS utility is quite simpler to
> install, but it requires MacOS, and is a bit of a hassle when you want
> to update your kernel.

OK I'll search the archives. My rather extensive Google searches didn't turn up 
anyting prior though from 
this list. Is it indexed by the Google machine ?

You're using quik on a G3 ? If so could I trouble you to post a StepxStep ?

> As for starting the installer, I fear you will have to use floppies
> (yes, they still exist ;-)) -- look for something called "miboot", I
> think that's what I used at that time.

So miboot makes the floppies from MacOS ? I think that came with the copy of 
BootX I have here.

What I don't understand, is that on booting from the MacOS install CD, the 
Debian Installer CD 
doesn't show as mounted in either of my other CD drives. At least one install 
article I read, indicated 
that installing from the Debian CD is possible that way.
> Good luck,

Thanks. :D

S.D.Allen - Toronto
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