On 07/06/2008, Matthew Ray wrote:
> /sys/devices/temperature/sensor*temperatures

JFTR: /sys/devices/temperatures/sensor*temperature

> which reports 52 and 67 C and the fan runs frequently.  I opened it up
> and it runs at 50 and 65 C and the fan seems to be off, but that still
> seems really hot.

With a G4 iBook, I got 44/47 with no fan running. I seem to recall it's
quite depending on the surface/texture on which your box is used. On the
skin, on a pillow, etc., it gets considerably hotter, with fan running
continuously, while on a flat surface (say: a wood table) everything is
fine. You could try and maximize the distance between the bottom of the
box (just below the screen, if Powerbooks and iBooks are similar) and
where you're putting it, maybe using some “patafix” below the feet, so
as to ease air cooling.


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