On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 07:15:28PM +0300, Risto Suominen wrote:
> I once installed Debian Sarge (a bit newer than Woody) on a similar
> machine, 6400/180, and was quite happy with it. It had an IMS TT
> graphics card and a USB2 card, and those worked too. The IMS card
> needed some special depth settings for colors to work in X. The kernel
> was probably v. 2.4.18. The other alternative, a 2.2 kernel, wouldn't
> allow USB to work.

Sarge had 2.6.8 (and some 2.4 which I don't remeber), the kernel
versions you mention implies that you installed woody.

Hans Ekbrand (http://sociologi.cjb.net) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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