On 9 Oct 2007 at 17:18, brian wrote:

> --- Jeffrey Rolland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello, all!
> >
> > I just upgraded my old Power Macintosh 7500 to have
> > a Sonnet Crescendo/PCI G4
> > Processor Upgrade Card. The Mac was a dual boot Mac
> > OS 8.6 / Debian Linux "Sarge" box.
> &#8776;
> > The problem is Debian won't boot at all; I just get
> > a black screen. I have BootX set up to load
> > a 2.6.8 kernel (overwrote the exact name of the
> > kernel); I'm guessing that the kernel is the
> > problem. It probably only works for a 601 processor.
> >
> have you tried the default kernel from sarge ??? that
> is on the sarge install cd. there were 2.4 and 2.6
> kernels.

Sorry it took so long to get back to you; I needed to buy a new mouse, and it 
just came today.

Yes, I tried the default kernels from Sarge. The guy who helped me set up Sarge 
configured BootX
to boot from a ramdisk/kernel on the Mac OS partition and gave BootX an 
optional parameter
for root's
]\parition; I have no idea if this is standard. I know Yellow Dog 3.x had you 
configure BootX to
load the kernel on root's parition.

> otherwise, I would suggest ydl2.0 for a rescue disk.
> (the entire distro fit on 1 cd the last time it did
> and the mac hardware support is very good)
> i have not tried your particular configuration but
> i have had "black screen" on a couple older machines
> and this was part of my procedure and i did get etch
> going eventually.
> however, one old 8500 i had to turn up the bright and
> contrast all the way and then could barely still
> see the console at night with all the lights out.
> however(2) once Xwindows started it was fine.

The monitor has the power light begin flashing, so I don't think that the 
problem is waiting for
to start; I think the kernel isn't loading.

> assuming that this card is compatible with linux (i
> have no idea) you could really use a decent video
> card and ide controller (or something) with the g4 ...
> you may have better luck with osX, xpostfacto, and
> fink (debian ports to osX), or opendarwin or
> something.
> i have a bunch of old macs but even without upgrade
> cards i would say you have to be really determined
> to work on them. it has rewards but it is hard work.
> also takes a lot of patience you cannot be in so
> much of a hurry upgrading three things at once !
> (make that 6 things since 601 to g4 is three already)
> brian

I was really hoping ot hear from one of the people who assured me they had used 
cards with Debian; if you're out there (John Schmidt, Peter Rooney, Ralf 
Saalmüller), please
give a shout-out.

> > I had the guy throw out the 601 processor, so going
> > back temporarily isn't an option. I am
> > having a devil of a time getting the Old World Mac
> > booted to use the Etch Install CD. (I am
> > really interested in upgrading to Etch. There is
> > nothing on the Linux parition I care about
> > saving.) Floppy booting doesn't work, probably
> > because of the Sonnet Extension. Etch
> > doesn't include Ramdisk/Kernel images to use with
> > BootX.
> >
> > >From my previous posting on 10/29/2006, it appears
> > that people have had success booting
> > into Sarge with a Sonnet card. So, if someone would
> > post with a kernel that allows me to boot
> > into Sarge with the Sonnet card and from where to
> > download the kernel, I should be able to
> > handle upgrading to Etch by myself at that point.
> >
> > Thank you in advance for any assistance you can
> > provide.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > --
> > Jeffrey Rolland


Jeffrey Rolland

"The weed of crime bears bitter fruit; crime does NOT pay! The Shadow knows!"
   - _The Shadow_

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