Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
>> So if someone would let us understand why Sven was banned in the
>> first place, then may be this whole sad affair can be brought to
>> some kind of closure.
> is the
> warning which was sent from listmaster to Sven; for failing to heed it
> the ban was reinstated.
Don, that post has nothing to do with why Sven was banned in the "first
place", I'm talking about last year.

As far as  I know Debian PPC Users are being hurt by the decision to ban
Sven and I want to know why? Please.

> If you wish to complain about the ban, e-mailing
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the appropriate response, not mailing
> this list.

I'm not complaining about the ban, I want to know why Sven has been
banned and I'm not talking about him being banned from this list, it
seems to me that Sven has been banned as a Developer too and I want to
know why?

> Don Armstrong
> [Further responses off list]

The last time I checked I was living in a "Free World".

If you don't know why Sven was banned don't respond and don't be trying
to blow smoke up my ass, that only makes me suspicious of you motive.

Oh, and Don I sincerely thank you for all the good work you have done
for Debian. :-)

This is being signed by a Debian PPC User, Tester and a 5+ year Linux

Regards, Jimmy Johnson
Registered Linux User #380263
Registered Linux Computer #279395

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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