OK so after snooping around and with everyone's help I've come to
understand that my powerbook G4 17 has 2 sensors. I believe there is
on on top of the processor and one below, but that could be wrong.
The have limits set to work at different times. Apparently I'm a
nervous nelly because the fan seems to be kicking on just fine, just
at a higher temperature than I though they would. ANyway, there are
parameters that one can set to change when the fan kicks on. I'm not
going to mess with it. Thanks for the help!
On Jul 2, 2007, at 8:00 AM, booster wrote:
By default the therm_adt746x module lowers the maximum
temparatures. But
you can control this with the module parameter "limit_adjust".
That said I'm not sure if it's wise to increase the maximum
temparatures, because it could damage your hardware on the long
run. The
fan on my pb 15" (pb5,8 1,67GHz) does not run (or very low speed)
of the time. I'm not sure why yours should run significantly hotter.
This is correct but unfortunately the standard values seem to suit
the last (1.3 Ghz and above) PowerBook models as far as I experienced.
This means the fan kicks in relatively late if you use the standard
settings (limit_adjust=0) and the PowerBook gets pretty hot (at
least the 12" models).
You can lower the temperature where the module starts the fan by
using the "limit_adjust" value (setting it to -5 for example) but
this causes another big problem. The therm_adt746x module shuts
down the Powerbook intantly if the temperature reaches a maximum
value for some time (not sure how long but some 10 seconds at least
is my guess). The default shutdown temperature is 70 degrees C at
the processor thermal sensor which will be reached in very
processing intense tasks (compiling a kernel will shut down the
PowerBook hard - not a good thing)
The upper temperature limit is also effectet by the limit_adjust
value and setting it to -5 will lead to a heat related shutdown at
only 65 degrees C. This temperature can be reached easily in more
or less normal working conditions and renders the limit_adjust
option pretty unusable.
Just as a clarification - my experiences are limited to 12"
PowerBook models and maybe bigger models will deal with the heat in
a better way. But one observation I made is that the hardware,
without the therm_adt746x module) can manage its fans by itself -
seemingly very much similar to the OS X thermal management. So
unloading the module and letting the hardware taking care of itself
might be a good idea and should be possible on all of the latest
PowerBook generations as well.
If anyone would like to improve the therm_adt746x model I would
also not complain. I looked into the source already but my very
limited programin abilities (no C at all yet) mean that it will be
some time before I dare to change the Kernel myself.
good luck
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