Thanks for your quick answer.

I tried replacing VGA with CRT.
Result: no difference, grey screen on the external VGA output

I tried commenting out that option.
Result: I still have a light grey screen, but now I see two dark grey
vertical bars on the external VGA output. (Entre gris clair et gris foncé)

My attempt: I thought: "Maybe is the frequency too high for this monitor".
So I changed
Option          "CRT2VRefresh"          "56 - 75"
Option          "CRT2VRefresh"          "56 - 60"
Result: Still a light grey screen with two dark grey vertical bars.

Thanks anyway though,

2007/6/5, Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 10:42 +0200, Pierre Bauduin wrote:
>     79        Option         "MonitorLayout"     "LVDS,VGA"

This should be "LVDS,CRT". If that (or commenting out the option
altogether) doesn't help, we'll need to see the full log file.

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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