hi, i know this is an old thread but i do have
some input / experience to share here and I notice
a newer thread on the quick issue too.

1) i did boot 2.6.15-?? (?24 maybe) from ubuntu on
my powerbook3400/ etch testing last fall, around
September/October i was using it everyday. that
was because debian terminated the 2.6.15 series and
at the time i could not get the newer ones to go

    i also used quik to boot 3400, i needed to because
it would often hang during the boot from scsi error
with bootx (sort of randomly).

2) i also build a 2.6.18 that i booted from quik later
that did not need a ramdisk. all the modules were a
little confusing to me though and i could not get
the network going with that so i did not continue to
use it.

the web page you guys found is good, there are others
that help me too, keep doing the googleing. now BTW
i did not change my sources.list for ubuntu, i just
downloaded a .deb and installed it with dpkg. and
notice also from that web page it is also permissible
to build kernel from generic sources. 

i am still playing with building kernel when i am
feel less upsetable. the last one i build does not
boot either my beigeG3 (which does ok with the
one) or my original powerbookg3/kanga/3500 (which is
the one i am troubling with and is currently running
ydl2.1/linux2.4 because i could not even get sarge
to boot there, although i did not try debian2.4
(maybe it is my fault, i have to try again)

my main debian machine now is my 2000 powerbook with
the g4 upgrade. it is running etch ok, i don't
use it too much lately (mostly to build kernel
or upstream experimental packages ...)
-- have been playing with
ancient mac quadras going through sarge/etch
transition. they are very slow but they teach me.
i am also using the old mac os to learn portably
perl and lisp, since i boycott totally all intel/ms.
and i use macosx.2 jaguar with debian ports (fink)
although that was stop for jaguar about 1 year back,
a lot of stuff like sarge there works still pretty


ps i think if i did not want to dual boot macos
i would be trying netbsd, i tried it on another arch.
it is different, but there quik is THE bootloader for
oldworld mac ppc.

--- rob rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, check this out:

> Hello, check this out:
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quik/+bug/83346
> apparently quik can't boot ubuntu's newer kernels. I
> also a kernel panic 
> with the newer 2.6 kernel under debian.  I was
> however able to boot the 
> 2.6.8 kernel, though, and Ubuntu warty has
> kernel-image-2.6.7-powerpc. So, 
> if you're up for an experiment then change
> /etc/apt/source.list to warty
> apt-get update
> apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.7-powerpc
> Then redo quik to point to the new kernel.
> I've never mixed releases on purpose before, so I
> don't know if this will 
> work or what harm it might do. Anyways, you should
> be able to boot with 
> bootx, as long as you don't install anything other
> than the kernel.
> As far as I know quik has been updated in recent
> years to support initrd, so 
> that shouldn't be the problem. I think, the problem
> is that nobody has built 
> support for old world mac hardware into the new
> ubuntu kernels.
> Rob
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