On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 10:00:09PM +0100, Christian Walther wrote:
> On 02/03/07, Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 10:26:29AM +0100, Christian Walther wrote:
> >> Hi list,
> >>
> [...]
> >
> >Cool, you used an etch installer,did you not.
> I forgot to mention, but you're right, yes I did.
> >
> >Would you care to review the installation manual in order to see that what 
> >you
> >did is well documented, and submit a bug report if there are troubles, or 
> >even
> >a patch ?
> I'll try to do so in the next few days. I've to admit that I normally
> don't look at the manual because I know D-I for quite some time.


> There is just one thing that comes to my mind, but it's a minor issue:
> Sometimes the Installer displays rubbish on screen, for example in the
> overview screen of the partitioner. I used LVM and behind the usage
> information of each partition there are several characters that should
> be blank, but aren't.
> Looks as if the Installer tries to display characters that are either
> not defined by the console font or are located in an uninitialised
> memory block.
> I might be able to provide a screen shot later on.

Could you file a bug report against partman about this ? 


Sven Luther

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