On Sun, 2007-02-25 at 15:23 +0100, Antonio-M. Corbi Bellot wrote:

> appletouch: incomplete data package (first byte: 0, length: 17).
> appletouch: incomplete data package (first byte: 0, length: 17).

Yeah, the touchpads sometimes send borked packets. Not sure why though.

> Did it, the output is:

Uh, that's odd, you should get something like this:

# ./cev
[0] ids - 17 1 1 100  Name: Macintosh mouse button emulation
  Supported Events:
  0 (Reset) 1 (Key) 2 (Relative)
[1] ids - 19 1 1 100  Name: PMU
  Supported Events:
  0 (Reset) 1 (Key) 5 (?)
[2] ids - 3 5ac 20e 28  Name: appletouch
  Supported Events:
  0 (Reset) 1 (Key) 3 (Absolute)
[3] ids - 3 6d04 3ec0 110  Name: Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse
  Supported Events:
  0 (Reset) 1 (Key) 2 (Relative)
[4] ids - 3 ffffac05 e02 110  Name: Apple Computer Apple Internal 
  Supported Events:
  0 (Reset) 1 (Key) 17 (LED) 20 (Repeat)
[5] ids - 3 ffffac05 e02 110  Name: Apple Computer Apple Internal 
  Supported Events:
  0 (Reset) 1 (Key)
[6] nil

But I guess that after your fix with the mightymouse thing you'll get
most of these items as well.

Btw, if you manage to get horizontal scrolling working let me know, I've
tried a while ago and never managed.


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