--- Jack Malmostoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 07:40:05 +0100, Zhengpeng Hou
> wrote:
> > after I installed sid on my ibook, it can not boot
> in system, the
> > root partition can not be mounted.
> Looks like the installation hasn't been succesful.
> You should maybe try again after checking the md5sum
> of the iso you are
> using, and burning it at a lower speed on a good
> quality support.

hi, i guess by support you mean the media ?? i have
always wondered about that, i don't buy the huge bonus
packs but i do ok with 50cent tdk blanks.

or did you mean also possibly making sure the table is
stable, or/ and the machine (if you have a laptop say
on a small table it could get jiggle easy) ???

i would like to suggest for checking cd image to use
jigdo which downloads and checks each file rather than
a whole cd. it lessens the resource demand for redoing
anything at both ends obviously. also you can often
reuse a lot of a cd if you are doing testings.
most people now use busness card image rather than
full cd, i suppose. 

one of these day i would like to be able to make up
my own cd from a list of packages i have spend a lot
of time perusing and selecting and trying out...

just occurrs to me any way you do it there are
individual checksums for each package install as well
as the d-i ones. so won't the system tell you if it
cannot fix ???

if this is something really broken the only way to
find out for sure is to install testing and upgrade
to unstable in smaller chunks: you change source.list
and update in aptitude and edit the list in the go
- sounds like a pain maybe but as having some problems
and caution lately or impatience other times have
myself running "partial sid" to help. 


> -- 
> Best Regards, Jack
> Linux User #264449
> Powered by Debian GNU/Linux on AMD64
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