On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 01:42:03PM -0200, Lucas Rossi wrote:
>   Citando Holger Levsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >Hi Lucas,
> >
> >On Friday 15 December 2006 15:32, you wrote:
> >>    As I said,
> >
> >you didn't (until now) ;)
>   Sorry, you probably didn't read my very fisrt mail, that exposed
> the problem...
> >
> >>    the computer just spits out the disks,
> >
> >you tried the 2.4 and 2.6 ones?
>   Well...good point! I tried the 2.6 again with another disk and
> nada...then I tried the 2.4 with the same disk and tadaaa! I'm
> installing the basic system now. If anything goes wrong I'll let you
> know, but I believe it'll be okay. As soon as it finishes I'm
> updating the kernel to the 2.6 and setting up my server.

Notice that the 2.6 sarge d-i image had a bug which was later fixed in the
etch/sid version. It has to do with calling mkvmlinuz i think, instead of
simply gzipping it by hand.

Holger, can you backport the little change from the sid branch, this should
fix it.


Sven Luther

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