Hi Eddy,

> Some time ago I have followed some threads on different lists/forums
> about setting up the synaptics driver so you could scroll if the right
> side of the touchpad was used or if the touchpad was touched with two
> fingers at the same time.

We never did two finger scrolling, but at the right side works here for

> I tried to configure the touchpad of my powerbook, but I didn't managed
> to. Is it possible to do that on a PowerBook (5,2)? If it can be done, how?

Doesn't the 5,2 still have an atp (or adb??) touchpad? For all I know,
the right-side scrolling works only for appletouch usb touchpads. The
config for X for that is in the kernel's Documentation directory
somewhere in input/appletouch.txt or so.


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