hey, there were some 68k macs that were upgrades
to powerpc (as nubus of course), also maybe last amiga

(aka commodore)
with 68040 originally running debian-ppc on its 604
and debian-68k on its orginal, can switch back and
(see it running on the amiga-68k website)

anybody know if any NeXt was ever upgraded beyond
and do we count these as macs, now ?

more questions: is  anyone running mac-on-linux
(a ppc only debian package)  as linux (say to have
debian versions installed on one machine);
how about running debian-68k with an old ROM that way
opposed to using something like basilisk ?

--- Aurélien GÉRÔME <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 at 07:17:06PM -0400, You who
> does not read others'
> posts wrote:
> > There were no Macintosh computers that used the
> 6502 processors.
> > The Apple II line of computers used the 8-bit
> 6502s, but the first
> > Macintosh machine used the  Motorola 68000
> processors.   By the way,
> > the 6502s were manufactured by MOS Technologies,
> not Motorola.  :-)
> My mistake has already been pointed out by someone
> else days ago,
> so there is no need to insist on it. I must also add
> the 6502 has
> been designed by engineers from Motorola. It misled
> me...
> BTW, this is off-topic on a powerpc list. :)
> Cheers,
> -- 
>  .''`.   Aurélien GÉRÔME
> : :'  :
> `. `'`   Free Software Developer
>   `-     Unix Sys & Net Admin

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