
I finally got my dfs cd going. The package, I believe, is geared towards the i386 machines, also there are a couple of modifications that I wanted. My final cd came in under 600M, about 585M. It did finally work via the ofboot.b OF file. The following instructions may not be complete since I may have forgotten to write a few items down. However, I don't think I missed much. I also apologize if they are a bit cryptic in places.

- create dfs directory and iso "attempt" via the dfsbuild process
        % dfsbuild -a powerpc -c /etc/dfsbuild/dfs.cfg -w dfsbuild
        o need to not include pkgs: acpidump pnpbios-tools mdadm
- uncompress compressed directories if necessary
- remove any cached debs from the dfsbuild directories
- need to fix yaboot.conf wrt the root system references
- modify the initrd ram fs to include necessary drivers, such as for the cd drive:
        o Examine it by mounting it.
o Change it by copying it over to another directory, modify, and recreate the ram w/ mkcramfs
        o Increase the kernel ram size (yaboot.conf) appropriately
        o Copy marker over to new initrd
o Some changes: copied modprobe & made a link for ld.so.1, added drivers
        o will need to do a depmod
- separate out the boot directory from the others since it will not be zftree compressed.
        o create an hfs dir with the boot dir in it
        o create an apple dir with the other (uncompressed) dirs in it
- will make a multi-session disk with boot on an 'hfs' session and the rest on a 'apple' session. - can reach the yaboot files on the CD from the OF prompt with: boot cd:,\boot\yaboot - to add packages to the dfs base directory do a chroot to an uncompressed dfs directory, e.g.
        % chroot apple-dir apt-get install somepkg
o Will need to change tmp and var/sub symlinks to point to actual directories o nb: for the following installs I had a local reprepro powerpc mirror that I used. - install the xdm, xserver, xfonts, & wm (e.g. blackbox) pkgs in order to have a gui
        o May need to make X link in etc/X11 to usr/bin/X (server)
- install mrxvt and menu
- install any other pkgs one might like
- create hosts file in etc
- useful to make var/log writeable by moving it to opt/dfsruntime/runtimerd
o In general this is where anything that is needed to be modifiable needs to be
- add a name server to resolv.conf (tho not abs. nec.)
- set password for root and export DISPLAY
- the CD can be burned by the following procedure:
# Make an hfs bootable session with the boot directory, e.g. a target directory with boot # Use this cmd to make the 1st (session) iso for a cd (if after dfsbuild not doing it correctly) mkisofs -o hfs_image.iso -v -v -r -part -hfs -no-desktop -map ./hfs.map ./hfs_target >> mkisofs.out 2>&1 &
# burn it with:
cdrecord -v -multi -dev=1,0,0 hfs_image.iso

# Retrive nec. info for 2nd (session) iso with:
cdrecord -msinfo -dev=1,0,0
0,17283         # for example

# in order to save space, the uncompressed directory tree must be compressed via:
mkzftree -C apple_target-old apple_target_uc apple_target &

# And make it with (where the cd writer drive (e.g. /dev/scd0) can be subbed for the hfs iso)
# the iso of the main directory is created by:
mkisofs -o apple_image.iso -v -v -r -z -part -apple -C 0,17283 -M hfs_image.iso -no-desktop -map ./hfs.map ./apple_target >> mkisofs.out 2>&1 &

# and burn it with:
cdrecord -v -dev=1,0,0 -multi apple_image.iso

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