Hi Everyone,
I had to reinstall Ubuntu Dapper Drake on my Wallstreet powerbook, and
am having some difficulty because I didn't back up my /etc and /boot
directories before I did. My previous install was an update from
Breezy, and I was able to use the Wavelan Silver wireless card and mount
hfs+ file partitions so that I could actually read and write, not only
read. I suppose I could get that data again by reinstalling Breezy,
and upgrading to Dapper, but that is a big pain. What I did to avoid
that was move my hard drive to a firewire case and installed on a newer
aluminum powerbook. Now I'm trying to get the /etc files right. I am
not sure I really need the kernel config from a Wallstreet install, but
I would like it just in case. Can anyone help me out?
Rob Frohne, Ph.D., P.E.
E.F. Cross School of Engineering
Walla Walla College
100 SW 4th Street
College Place, WA 99324
(509) 527-2075
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org:Walla Walla College;E.F. Cross School of Engineering
adr:;;100 SW 4th Street;College Place;WA;99324;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:(509) 527-2075
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tel;home:(509) 529-3585