On 4/18/06, Michael Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Specifically to Sven I was wondering if anyone was still having trouble
> > compiling the MOL module in Etch.  It took trial and error for me all
> > day, (and about twelve different HowTo's) but I finally got the modules
> > done.  The reason I ask Sven is because I read your name on one of the
> > messages that I looked at, and you were saying that the
> > mol-modules-source package would need work for etch.  I do not know
> > whether or not that work has been done or not, but many of the HowTo's I
> > followed for debian I could not make work either.  Specifically anything
> > that mentioned using make-kpkg.
> >
> >   In the end I mostly followed instructions for the ubuntu hoary
> > distribution, with a few added steps.  Is there a Wiki somewhere that
> > would benefit from me writing a howto?  After spending a lot of time
> > away from debian on other linux distro's, I am back and convinced that
> > this is the best one.
> I'm not Sven, obviously - let me answer this question anyway.
> There's a mol-pkg page at http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-mol/ which
> has a list of the people that took over mol packaging. I'm sure one of
> them can add your howto there. Not to mention they might find it useful
> for their work.

Yes, indeed, but if your time is limited and you prefer just to
document what you did, you can use the official debian wiki[1]

[1] http://wiki.debian.org

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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