Benjamin Herrenschmidt writes:

> Looks good to me except that we need the same for ppc64 since the 970
> theorically has the same problem...

OK, does this look OK to everyone, before I send it off to Linus?  I
now use a bit in the thread_info rather than using the HID0 bits
themselves to indicate that we're napping, since the m[ft]spr might be
slow.  I added a `local_flags' field to the thread_info struct for
things that are only changed by the task itself and therefore don't
need to be accessed atomically.

This version does the same sort of change for the 970 as for 6xx.

Oh, and I also fixed a stupid bug in the 32-bit stack overflow code,
where we put &_end into r11, and then if there was a stack overflow,
saved registers into the stack frame pointed to by r11. :)


diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/asm-offsets.c 
index 54b48f3..8f85c5e 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/asm-offsets.c
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/asm-offsets.c
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ #endif /* CONFIG_SPE */
 #endif /* CONFIG_PPC64 */
        DEFINE(TI_FLAGS, offsetof(struct thread_info, flags));
+       DEFINE(TI_LOCAL_FLAGS, offsetof(struct thread_info, local_flags));
        DEFINE(TI_PREEMPT, offsetof(struct thread_info, preempt_count));
        DEFINE(TI_TASK, offsetof(struct thread_info, task));
 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC32
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S b/arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S
index b3a9794..8866fd2 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S
@@ -128,37 +128,36 @@ #if defined(CONFIG_40x) || defined(CONFI
        stw     r12,4(r11)
        b       3f
 2:     /* if from kernel, check interrupted DOZE/NAP mode and
          * check for stack overflow
+       lwz     r9,THREAD_INFO-THREAD(r12)
+       cmplw   r1,r9                   /* if r1 <= current->thread_info */
+       ble-    stack_ovf               /* then the kernel stack overflowed */
 #ifdef CONFIG_6xx
-       mfspr   r11,SPRN_HID0
-       mtcr    r11
-       bt-     8,4f                    /* Check DOZE */
-       bt-     9,4f                    /* Check NAP */
+       tophys(r9,r9)                   /* check local flags */
+       lwz     r12,TI_LOCAL_FLAGS(r9)
+       mtcrf   0x01,r12
+       bt-     31-TLF_NAPPING,4f
 #endif /* CONFIG_6xx */
        .globl transfer_to_handler_cont
-       lwz     r11,THREAD_INFO-THREAD(r12)
-       cmplw   r1,r11                  /* if r1 <= current->thread_info */
-       ble-    stack_ovf               /* then the kernel stack overflowed */
        mflr    r9
        lwz     r11,0(r9)               /* virtual address of handler */
        lwz     r9,4(r9)                /* where to go when done */
-       FIX_SRR1(r10,r12)
        mtspr   SPRN_SRR0,r11
        mtspr   SPRN_SRR1,r10
        mtlr    r9
        RFI                             /* jump to handler, enable MMU */
-#ifdef CONFIG_6xx      
-4:     b       power_save_6xx_restore
+#ifdef CONFIG_6xx
+4:     rlwinm  r12,r12,0,~_TLF_NAPPING
+       stw     r12,TI_LOCAL_FLAGS(r9)
+       b       power_save_6xx_restore
@@ -167,10 +166,10 @@ #endif
        /* sometimes we use a statically-allocated stack, which is OK. */
-       lis     r11,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-       ori     r11,r11,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-       cmplw   r1,r11
-       ble     3b                      /* r1 <= &_end is OK */
+       lis     r12,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
+       ori     r12,r12,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
+       cmplw   r1,r12
+       ble     5b                      /* r1 <= &_end is OK */
        addi    r3,r1,STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD
        lis     r1,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_64.S b/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_64.S
index a5ae04a..3b500dc 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_64.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/head_64.S
@@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ #define STD_EXCEPTION_COMMON_LITE(trap, 
        .globl label##_common;                          \
 label##_common:                                                \
+       FINISH_NAP;                                     \
        DISABLE_INTS;                                   \
        bl      .ppc64_runlatch_on;                     \
        addi    r3,r1,STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD;             \
@@ -388,6 +389,25 @@ label##_common:                                            
        b       .ret_from_except_lite
+ * When the idle code in power4_idle puts the CPU into NAP mode,
+ * it has to do so in a loop, and relies on the external interrupt
+ * and decrementer interrupt entry code to get it out of the loop.
+ * It sets the _TLF_NAPPING bit in current_thread_info()->local_flags
+ * to signal that it is in the loop and needs help to get out.
+ */
+#if defined(CONFIG_PPC_PMAC) || defined(CONFIG_PPC_MAPLE)
+#define FINISH_NAP                             \
+BEGIN_FTR_SECTION                              \
+       clrrdi  r11,r1,THREAD_SHIFT;            \
+       ld      r9,TI_LOCAL_FLAGS(r11);         \
+       andi.   r10,r9,_TLF_NAPPING;            \
+       bnel    power4_fixup_nap;               \
+#define FINISH_NAP
  * Start of pSeries system interrupt routines
        . = 0x100
@@ -1034,12 +1054,22 @@ unrecov_slb:
        .globl hardware_interrupt_entry
+       FINISH_NAP
        bl      .ppc64_runlatch_on
        addi    r3,r1,STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD
        bl      .do_IRQ
        b       .ret_from_except_lite
+#if defined(CONFIG_PPC_PMAC) || defined(CONFIG_PPC_MAPLE)
+       andc    r9,r9,r10
+       std     r9,TI_LOCAL_FLAGS(r11)
+       ld      r10,_LINK(r1)           /* make idle task do the */
+       std     r10,_NIP(r1)            /* equivalent of a blr */
+       blr
        .align  7
        .globl alignment_common
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/idle_6xx.S b/arch/powerpc/kernel/idle_6xx.S
index 12a4efb..b45fa0e 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/idle_6xx.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/idle_6xx.S
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ #include <asm/thread_info.h>
 #include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
 #include <asm/asm-offsets.h>
-#undef DEBUG
@@ -109,12 +107,6 @@ BEGIN_FTR_SECTION
        dcbf    0,r4
        dcbf    0,r4
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       lis     r6,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-       lwz     r4,[EMAIL PROTECTED](r6)
-       addi    r4,r4,1
-       stw     r4,[EMAIL PROTECTED](r6)
        /* Go to low speed mode on some 750FX */
@@ -144,48 +136,42 @@ BEGIN_FTR_SECTION
+       rlwinm  r9,r1,0,0,31-THREAD_SHIFT       /* current thread_info */
+       lwz     r8,TI_LOCAL_FLAGS(r9)   /* set napping bit */
+       ori     r8,r8,_TLF_NAPPING      /* so when we take an exception */
+       stw     r8,TI_LOCAL_FLAGS(r9)   /* it will return to our caller */
        mfmsr   r7
        ori     r7,r7,MSR_EE
        oris    r7,r7,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-       sync
-       isync
+1:     sync
        mtmsr   r7
-       sync
-       blr
+       b       1b
  * Return from NAP/DOZE mode, restore some CPU specific registers,
  * we are called with DR/IR still off and r2 containing physical
- * address of current.
+ * address of current.  R11 points to the exception frame (physical
+ * address).  We have to preserve r10.
-       mfspr   r11,SPRN_HID0
-       rlwinm. r11,r11,0,10,8  /* Clear NAP & copy NAP bit !state to cr1 EQ */
-       cror    4*cr1+eq,4*cr0+eq,4*cr0+eq
-       rlwinm  r11,r11,0,9,7   /* Clear DOZE */
-       mtspr   SPRN_HID0, r11
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       beq     cr1,1f
-       lis     r11,(nap_return_count-KERNELBASE)@ha
-       lwz     r9,[EMAIL PROTECTED](r11)
-       addi    r9,r9,1
-       stw     r9,[EMAIL PROTECTED](r11)
-       rlwinm  r9,r1,0,0,18
-       tophys(r9,r9)
-       lwz     r11,TI_CPU(r9)
+       lwz     r9,_LINK(r11)           /* interrupted in ppc6xx_idle: */
+       stw     r9,_NIP(r11)            /* make it do a blr */
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+       mfspr   r12,SPRN_SPRG3
+       lwz     r11,TI_CPU(r12)         /* get cpu number * 4 */
        slwi    r11,r11,2
+       li      r11,0
        /* Todo make sure all these are in the same page
-        * and load r22 (@ha part + CPU offset) only once
+        * and load r11 (@ha part + CPU offset) only once
-       beq     cr1,1f
+       mfspr   r9,SPRN_HID0
+       andis.  r9,r9,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
+       beq     1f
        addis   r9,r11,(nap_save_msscr0-KERNELBASE)@ha
        lwz     r9,[EMAIL PROTECTED](r9)
        mtspr   SPRN_MSSCR0, r9
@@ -210,10 +196,3 @@ _GLOBAL(nap_save_hid1)
        .long   0
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       .space  4
-       .space  4
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/idle_power4.S 
index 6dad1c0..d85c7c9 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/idle_power4.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/idle_power4.S
@@ -35,12 +35,16 @@ BEGIN_FTR_SECTION
+       clrrdi  r9,r1,THREAD_SHIFT      /* current thread_info */
+       ld      r8,TI_LOCAL_FLAGS(r9)   /* set napping bit */
+       ori     r8,r8,_TLF_NAPPING      /* so when we take an exception */
+       std     r8,TI_LOCAL_FLAGS(r9)   /* it will return to our caller */
        mfmsr   r7
        ori     r7,r7,MSR_EE
        oris    r7,r7,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-       sync
+1:     sync
        mtmsrd  r7
-       sync
-       blr
+       b       1b
diff --git a/include/asm-powerpc/thread_info.h 
index ffc7462..88b553c 100644
--- a/include/asm-powerpc/thread_info.h
+++ b/include/asm-powerpc/thread_info.h
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ struct thread_info {
        int             preempt_count;          /* 0 => preemptable,
                                                   <0 => BUG */
        struct restart_block restart_block;
+       unsigned long   local_flags;            /* private flags for thread */
        /* low level flags - has atomic operations done on it */
        unsigned long   flags ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
@@ -142,6 +144,12 @@ #define _TIF_SYSCALL_T_OR_A        (_TIF_SYSCAL
                                 _TIF_NEED_RESCHED | _TIF_RESTORE_SIGMASK)
+/* Bits in local_flags */
+/* Don't move TLF_NAPPING without adjusting the code in entry_32.S */
+#define TLF_NAPPING            0       /* idle thread enabled NAP mode */
+#define _TLF_NAPPING           (1 << TLF_NAPPING)
 #endif /* __KERNEL__ */

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