Hi, Looking at my cpuinfo, i found that my bogomips rate is veeery looow. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo processor : 0 cpu : 7447A, altivec supported clock : 666.666000MHz revision : 0.5 (pvr 8003 0105) bogomips : 36.73 timebase : 18432000 machine : PowerBook6,7 motherboard : PowerBook6,7 MacRISC3 Power Macintosh detected as : 287 (iBook G4) pmac flags : 0000001b L2 cache : 512K unified pmac-generation : NewWorld
Its a 1,33 GHz iBook with 1GB of ram and a custom kernel, are the numbers ok? or i am suffering a cpu problem? Thanks for your time. Saladino