Am Montag, 20. März 2006 14:16 schrieb Roger Leigh: > Hi folks, > > As you might know, GRUB version 2 will support powerpc in addition to > ix86 systems. The next release of the grub2 package in Debian should > have initial support for powerpc. > > In the meantime, the latest release is available here: > > > and some documentation about setup is here: > > Hi
I pulled in the source from CVS. It compiled, installed everything fine. But after changing the OF boot device to grub I only got the following output: Welcome to GRUB!_ - _ Decrementer exception at %SRR0: 00000000 %SRR1: 00083030 ok O > After resetting the boot device to yaboot, yabout couldn't load the linux image saying "CLAIM failed". After a reboot yaboot had no more problems. After that I just pulled in your tarball and rebuilt Grub2 again. Same behaviour as CVS. My machine is a PowerBook PowerBook5,2, G4 1 GHz. Once GRUB is boot my Powerbook I could offer you to test also my other machines: - PowerMac G3 blue/white - PowerBook G3 400 MHz - iMac And may be even on my main server a Pegasos I. Best regards, keep going with your efforts! -- Niklaus Giger