I'm a new list member of edlug (12 months), I'm a second-year
Psychology/Philosophy student at Edinburgh Uni and I run the following:

Debian/PPC (dual-boot OSX) on Apple PowerBook G4 15" with Apple iSight
working under coridander / gnomemeeting - 3D graphics and internal
wireless all set up. CUPS printing, digital camera interface and audio
also working. This is should be a good showcase for our OS which up
until relatively recently has been lacking somewhat in multimedia
capabilites, especially on the powerpc platform. This is *the* angle for
marketing Linux to mainstream users now, seeing as the main drives from
MS and Apple are always multimedia focussed.

I'd be more than happy to demo - I'm an extremely enthusiastic Linux
user (almost 7 years sans-Windows, not bad for a 22-year old) and
relatively comfortable speaking in front of an audience having worked as
a consultant with Accenture for some time before I entered University
education, specialising in Unix/Linux datacentre technologies.

I will endeavour to attend the next meet but just to register my offer
of support - organisers, you now have my contact details:


07720 8505321

Please call if you're interested - I can't be 100% on my availability at
the moment but I can change plans now to fit this in if I know
relatively soon.

Take it easy - Erik

On Tue, 2006-02-07 at 19:41 +0000, C. Dominik Bódi wrote:
> [Call for volunteers for the P&P Society Event]
> Hi folks,
> Antonia came along to our meeting last week, and we sorted out some of the 
> details:
> The event will take place on March 13th, 7:00pm in the ground floor 
> auditorium 
> of the Edinburgh University Chaplaincy, 1 Bristo Square.
> We will have 90-100 minutes to impress politically interested/active students 
> with the political/ethical and technical advantages of Free Software. My idea 
> was to split the event in three parts:
> 1.) Presentation about the politcal and ethical merits of Free Software, a la 
> Richard Stallman. (30-40 mins)
> 2.) Technical demo running Linux on a desktop/laptop, displaying common use 
> cases like doing email, www, openoffice, im etc. (30 mins)
> 3.) Questions and discussion (20-30 mins, depending on demand)
> I would suggest splitting up the duties, as well. Therefore, we will need TWO 
> volunteers, one for the presentation and one for the technical demo.
> For the presentation I would want someone who already has at least brief 
> experience advocating Free Software. I will contact the FSFE in order to get 
> some slides they might already have created...
> For the second presentation someone who already has done similar demos would 
> be perfect, but anyone who feels up to do such a demo would be welcome.
> Additionally, it might be a good idea if we could get some more edlug members 
> to attend the meeting, possibly taking their laptops and pdas along to show 
> off with and get the people into personal discussions....
> About the target audience: For details about the P&P Society, see
> http://pandp.eusa.ed.ac.uk/
> Antonia provided helpful information about the society, as well. We cannot 
> expect every attendant to be a computer-geek, on the contrary. Many of them 
> will have experience using widespread non-free software on a (more or less) 
> daily basis, and that's it. However, these folks will be politically 
> interested and many of them will possibly have experience taking part in a 
> campaign or two. Arguing the politcal and ethical merits of Free Software 
> could have a big impact, indeed.
> Any volunteers, please mail to the list. The same goes for anyone having 
> suggestions etc.
> Cheers,
> Dominik

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