On the subject of our ports and the UAE,  I have a very interesting relating story.
My daughter was basically murdered by a man from UAE before 9/11 because
he was in a language school here in USA.  It is too long to relate in this email but is
very interesting.  Talk about a incident waiting to happen, this is exactly what happened
to our daughter when she was a freshman and her college had a contingent of military men from the UAE in the basement of her all girls dorm. They were studying english. Ludicrous!
and so is letting the UAE own or run our ports.  Pease call me and I will give you
unbelievable facts about how one university, made this same mistake and then tried to
cover up the incident.  When I wrote to my congressman back in 1998 about a bill to
screen these men from countries with no extradition treaties, they said it would hurt
tourism and we needed to be on good terms with UAE, sounds frightfully like the
talk I heard on TV yesterday.  Please call me at 812-230-2878.    Believe me, I have a story
that would probably put my family in danger because neither the University where the
incident happened nor the UAE want this story told. This is a Trojan Horse.

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