
On   9 Feb, this message from Daniel Payno echoed through cyberspace:
> This is my first e-mail all because a few days ago bought myself a  
> brand new iPowerBook 15" (Alubook so it seems :) with MACOsX

Congrats :-)

> It bundles a new dl superdrive:
> I plan to install linux but:
>       * Ubuntu/PPC 5.10's Live/Install kernels don't support my Superdrive

What do you mean; doesn't support the SuperDrive?

The DVD drive is a generic MMC3-compatible IDE drive; there is no issue
of support involved here.

> Does the latest Debian/PPC 3.0 iso support it? I planned to use the  
> easeness of ubuntu as starting point, but aint afraid of a debian  
> vanilla install.

Debin can be installed more easily these days than many people used to
the old days do believe ;-)

> Also, i would like a pointer to a place to find an image not only  
> bootable but with some app similar to qparted so that i can make  
> space without erasing and recreating the MacOsX slices

Debian uses parted by default as the partitioner IIRC.

Now, coming back to your Linux install, you probably have the problem
that the 'usual' install CDs don't support this very recent hardware
(for a number of reasons that were discussed already, use the list
archives if you're interested).

You can try the netboot ISO from my site, but you also need to install
the kernel that omes along with it:


The kernel contains every hardware support I deem important or useful
compiled-in (not as modules). But you may disagree with me; so use the
config that is included in the package to build your own kernel.



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
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