Recently my landlord installed a new breaker box, and
in the process cut off power to one of my machines, an
iMac DV/400 running Debian.

The power was off for a few hours while he worked and
when the machine booted up it kernel paniced.  After a
reboot everything was fine, and the machine stayed up
for a couple weeks.

Today my landlord needed to do some more work, so the
power was shut off again.  A second time, the machine
kernel paniced on the first boot, and remained stable
after a reboot.  I was curious about this and decided
to unplug the machine.  Any time the machine was left
without power for say, 10-20 minutes, a cold boot
would produce a kernel panic.  However, one could do a
soft reboot as many times as he/she pleased, with no
problems, or shut it down for 5 minutes or so with no
problems.  Any time the machine remained without power
for an extended period of time, the following cold
boot would result in random segmentation faults and
eventually a kernel panic.  

I booted OS X on this machine from my iBook's hard
drive to check the SMART status of the hard drive, and
also run memtestosx.  Nothing awkward showed up, and
OS X was solid.

This machine has a PRAM battery that is on the verge
of dying: could that have anything to do with this? 
Could have something in the open firmware gotten
corrupted in that first outage?  This is really
irritating me, even though the system is stable after
one reboot . . . 

The segmentation faults always occur early on in the
startup sequence, but also have slightly different
errors (sometimes a usb hotplug is to blame; sometimes
its a page file, etc).  One reboot later though --
everything is fine again.

Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: Oops: Exception in
kernel mode, sig: 5 [#1]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: NIP: C00536AC LR:
C004A5D4 SP: CF6F9C40 REGS: cf6f9b90 TRAP: 0700    Not
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: MSR: 00029032 EE: 1 PR:
0 FP: 0 ME: 1 IR/DR: 11
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: TASK = cf96c670[777]
'default.hotplug' THREAD: cf6f8000
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: Last syscall: 2
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: GPR00: C0411C28 CF6F9C40
CF96C670 C0411C20 10057000 0E94C15C 00000001 40000000
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: GPR08: 003ACD80 00000001
00000000 FFFFFFFF 003ACD80 100C1E94 CF6F9D9C 00000000
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: GPR16: CF6D4520 00000001
C0300000 00000001 C0300000 10000000 008E1305 C0302FE0
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: GPR24: 10063000 00000000
000A6000 C0411C20 00000000 CE94C18C FFFFFFFD 00063000
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: NIP [c00536ac]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: LR [c004a5d4]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: Call trace:
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c004a5d4]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c004a7ec]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c004a868]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c004a948]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c004aab8]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c0051094]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c00177b4]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c001bbf4]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c001c538]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c001c828]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c0026ef0]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c000847c]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel:  [c0004af4]
Dec 14 17:29:36 xxxxx kernel: note:
default.hotplug[777] exited with preempt_count 1

Any help would be appreciated!

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