On 11/28/05, Michael Schmitz
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Nah, that calls for a
more elaborate approach. I'd first verify 2.6.12 is
> indeed OK (and it's not just your hardware that was still OK at 2.6.12
> time)

same problem here (powerbook5,2 w/ up-to-date breezy). i first
suspected it could be a hardware defect, given that my pb hat recently
been on repair and the airport slot decided to drop dead only two
weeks later. but then, it happens only in lx and not in osx, which
makes me infer, that it is *not* the hardware. more workload in terms
of doing something or network activity seems to make the power losses
likelier, though this is just a guts feeling. i mean to remember
though, that immediately before the box switches off there seems to be
increased fan activity. OTOH no logs, no messages, nothing. OTTH there
might be something generated but not getting written anymore to disk.

given the *extremely* irregular frequency of this failure i can well
imagine that it went by undiscovered until too late. and while i am
somewhat happy that it doesn't  happen very often, i suspect that
exactly this turns it into a harder problem, as well. :-(

if there is something needing to be tested, let me know.


sascha brossmann
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