Not shure what works betwene MythTV and the inputs but Elgato and Miglia has produkts that works on the mac/linux.

Den 28. nov. 2005 kl. 01.27 skrev Benjamin Herrenschmidt:

On Sun, 2005-11-27 at 23:57 +0100, Inge Eidem wrote:
Maybe we should start an alioth project for mytthv support on
powerpc or
something ? 

You probably know alot more about Linux than me, but i can deliver
server, CVS, test macs etc if you want to help me start a project!

Ill look in to your descriptions tomorrow, have to sleep now.

Think about the project and get back to me, maybe this is what we miss
on the PPC platform!:)

What video input device do you intend to use with the Mac Mini ?


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