Hi Fritz,

I'm now using a HP3745 in my debian-unstable and it works great. I needed to 
install from www.linuxprinting.org the ppt file, without any problem. In 
debian-unstable almost you can download the hp utils.
El Miércoles 23 Noviembre 2005 21:12, Fritz Wettstein escribió:
> Hi,
> I use a Canon i550 right now but unfortunatley this model isn't suported
> for Linux by Canon... - so I have to look for another make. It's not
> easy because it should be a model with different cassettes for every
> color and it should be supported by Linux/Cups.
> What experience do you have? Any recommendation?
> Fritz

Jon de Andrés Frías
GPG: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4E856203

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