Hi All

I tried Ubuntu and Debian 3.1 on my PowerBook G3 Lombard. Both distribtutions have the same problem. The only resoultion available in X11 is 640x480 @ 30 or 29 Hz.

As far as I know from other dists and Macs, video parameters have to be passed to the kernel at the boot: prompt in order to initialize the OpenFirmware driver.

I already posted this issue in the Ubuntu forum and filed a bug report to the Ubuntu developers but there was no response to this.

Does anyone know, hot to pass the correct parameters and what they should look like?

Any help is appreciated.

The thread in the Ubuntu-forum is this and explains the problem more detailed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79413


Thomas Johannes Matthias Kühner
Kretzerstr. 20
DE-50733 Köln

Tel.: 0221-355 335 960

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