On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 10:06:03AM -0400, Tamas K Papp wrote: } Hi, } } I reconfigured x.org with the macintosh layout, and now Ctrl-Option-F1 } switches to the console, so that is fixed. Could somebody please tell } me how to make the Command key (the one with a cloverleaf on it) } behave as Alt/Meta (eg switching windows with -Tab, work as Meta in } Emacs etc). I tried xmodmap, and could not make it work. I wonder if } it can be done in the xorg config file (with keyboard } variants/options), if so, would somebody please send me a copy? Other } solutions would also interest me. The machine is a Powerbook5,4.
xmodmap certainly does the job on every system I've ever seen. I suspect that the problem is with how you are using it. You should first assign the correct keysim to it (perhaps Alt_L). You should then clear mod1 and add the correct keysims for it. Here are the relevant lines from my .xmodmaprc for my G4 tower with USB Mac keyboard: keycode 64 = Alt_L keycode 113 = Alt_R clear mod1 add mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R You will need to determine the keycode for your Command key(s) using xev. They may or may not be different from what I have above. } Tamas --Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]