On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 07:50:20AM -0300, Rogério Brito wrote:
> On Oct 04 2005, Sven Luther wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 01:01:19PM +0200, Hans Ekbrand wrote:
> > > On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 06:17:28AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> > > > On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 12:00:44AM +0200, Hans Ekbrand wrote:
> > > > > > Nope, you need the miboot package from p.d.o/~luther/miboot, and its
> > > > > > dependencies, and do (taken from the d-i build) :
> Were are the dependencies for your miboot package, BTW?
apt-cache show miboot :)

I think they are rsrce and mac-tools or something such, one is for hformat and
stuff, the other for playing with the macos ressources.

> > > > > OK. I do have miboot installed, so that should not pose any problem.
> > > > > But why would not the procedure outlined above work (I copied it from
> > > > > one of Rogério Britos posts to the list)?
> I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I'm building now my kernels
> with kernel-package and what I've been compressing to get onto the
> miboot floppy is the one that ends on the /boot directory (stripped or
> not, I can't remember---and I'm not using a ppc right now).
> > > > Rogerio is not creating a floppy disk from scratch, he is
> Indeed.
> > > > overwriting the kernel on an existing miboot floppy, and can thus
> > > > not set the KERNEL_CMDL among other stuff.
> But just editing the System.bin file with appropriate commands work
> quite well (for instance, for enabling the l2 cache via the l2cr
> parameter).
> I see no problems with that if you just want to get something
> functional.  OTOH, it probably doesn't help for further development of
> boot images, I agree.

It is not particularly more easy than the other method though, wich can be
more nicely automated though.

> > > I am also operating on existing miboot floppy, so I can do it the way
> > > Rogerio did.
> > 
> > Why not try and do it the right way ? You understand that what you do
> > supposes that someone else did the above thingy to create the original
> > floppy, no ? So since you can create it directly, why not do that ?
> Perhaps because he wants to understand the issue first and then do
> things "the right way"?


> > This is done at miboot floppy generation time, not at kernel
> > compilation time.  Something akin to your perl script is neatly
> > packaged in the miboot and dependencies packages, so why not use it ?
> I think that he is concerned first in getting something working and then
> doing variations on that.

If the official miboot floppies are now fixed, then he can do it like that
also :)

> > > I modularized a bit too much though, so the kernel didn't do the
> > > partition check and never found the partition to mount / on. But
> > > that is solvable, compiling again as I write this. This time I even
> > > include a driver for the nic and support for / on NFS. If that
> > > kernel fits the floppy, that would be really cool IMHO.
> I have many things compiled into my own (oldworld) ppc kernel, including
> two filesystems (ext2, ext3), the nic driver and other things.

Please make sure to look at the powerpc-miboot config and provide changes if

> > Indeed. Feel free to mail me (or a bug report maybe ?) your config
> > with a bit of descriptiion of what you tried to achieve, there is no
> > reason the debian kernel could not fit your need, i believe.
> Have you checked the config file that I posted to Andrew Morton some
> time ago? It should be on the lkml archives (again, I would send it now
> if I were in front of my PowerMac).

Please provide a bug report against linux-2.6 with them, it is too complicated
to look for stuff on random lists, and i don't archive lkml locally anymore,
since mutt barfed on my 40K email big mbox :)


Sven Luther

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