Rogério Brito wrote (Thursday 18 August 2005 5:14 pm):
> On Aug 17 2005, Brendon Lloyd Higgins wrote:
> > Rogério Brito wrote (Sunday 14 August 2005 2:06 pm):
> > > Anyway, just out of curiosity: are you able to read all the DVD discs
> > > that you burn on regular computer or standalone drives? I have only had
> > > success when using DVD-R media, not with the other variants (DVD+RW or
> > > DVD-RW; I don't have DVD+R media).
> >
> > I seem to be able to. My DVD-ROM drive on hdd hasn't complained about any
> > of them. I did have some troubles with some lab computers at uni, but I
> > believe that to be a different issue entirely. But my test sample isn't
> > large enough.
> Which portable do you have?

Portable? I don't have any portable. You might've misunderstood me.

> > This whole +/- thing is stupid. So, what, now they're going to do it
> > again, worse, with HDDVD/BlueRay or whatever? Peh.
> I'm unfortunately not up to date with the new technologies that are
> coming. If you could describe their differences in a simple way, I'd be
> very grateful.

I'm not well versed in the technical differences, either, but I've been 
hearing about two incompatible standards and it doesn't sound like a good 
thing to me. Betamax VS VHS was before my time, but I can see how the 
frustrations that must've been present in the early days will happen all over 
again. Unless I'm terribly misinformed. :-)


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