On 7/28/05, Luca Bigliardi - shammash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> i've written a little patch to have synaptics xfree/xorg driver running
> with adb touchpads.
> It's working on my ibook2.2, please let me know if it work also for you.
I tested it following your instructions. It works on my ibook g4
1.2Ghz with debian_kernel_source_2.6.12 and xfree86-driver-synaptics
package (but not very well, I think I should change some touchpad

But the sleep does not work any more.

A question : The mouse drive works already fine for me. Which is the
advantage using your patch ?


> The patch is for 2.6.12-rc4, but should apply to any recent kernel.
> http://www.artha.org/shammash/ppc/adb_syn/adb_synaptics_0.1.diff
> You have to set CONFIG_ADB_TRACKPAD_ABSOLUTE=y and then recompile;
> then pick latest synaptics xfree/xorg driver (now it's 0.14.3)
> build and install it.
> Before reboot be sure to set dev_ADB = "/dev/null" in
> /etc/pbbuttonsd.conf.
> Here you can find an example of configuration for X, i suppose that
> you'll have to play a lot with synclient to fine-tune touchpad options.
> There are two mouses so you can still use emumousebuttons with keyboard.
> http://www.artha.org/shammash/ppc/adb_syn/xorg_mouse.conf
>         Luca
> --
> Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.
>                         -- Leonard Brandwein
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