On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 20:06:00 +0200
Gaudenz Steinlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Please try 0.7.0beta1 from pbbuttons.sourceforge.net. In that version the
> > MAXINPUTS problem is solved.
> I compiled and installed this and the MAXINPUTS problem is indeed fixed. 
> Thanks. Should I also reenable the NoTapTyping feature and see how it
> works or are there no changes in this regard in the new release?

No, thanks. Nothing changed regarding the NoTayTyping issue.

> > Regarding the NoTapTyping feature. Is the keyboard and trackpad In the 
> > TiBook
> > still connected through the ADB bus or did Apple switch it to USB?
> It's ADB.

I read on the Apple pages that only three machines have keyboard and/
or Trackpad connected through USB so far:

PowerBook 5.6 and 5.7     Trackpad and Keyboard attached through USB
Powerbook 6.8             only Trackpad is USB, Keyboard still ADB

How do this PowerBooks react on Keyboard and Trackpad programming? Do
they react at all or might this cause trouble. I think the trackpad
doesn't work at all on this PowerBooks, does it? I know there is a
driver in progress. How would the trackpad mode be set at USB trackpads?

Does anybody know if the PMU trackpad programming sequence is still the
same at new Powerbooks? Does the utility 'trackpad' from the pmu-utils
work for you? Maybe we have a race condition in latest kernels becasue
the trackpad programming sequence initiated from user space is not

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