On Fri, 14 Jan 2005, SR, ESC wrote:

> why are you bothering with 2.4.18? FYI, the kernel stuff on that site
> is ancient history. 

Because I've tried every current 2.4 kernel to NO avail.  At one point 
2.4.18 w/ the patch worked (apparently) and because there is DOCUMENTATION 
that states that 2.4.18 with that patch worked... which seems a reasonable 
place to start when you're having problems (I think the phrase is RTFM, 
which is what I did).  

> the driver isn't even present in 2.6. hasn't been ported. it's been
> neglected for i don't know how long.

actually, I believe it was present, but was finally marked as broken.  
(and them maybe taken out?  I've not looked at the changelog for 2.6 in a
couple weeks)

> i emailed mich a while back - when 2.6. was still -test - i can't
> quite remmeber all he said, as i've lost the email convo, but he said
> something about a lack of motivation, or ack of time, not sure which.
> you can email him about it if you like.

I have.  It resulted in him pointing a finger at v4l and v4l pointing a 
finger right back at the driver.  I understand he's busy.  

I also understand this worked at one point.  And I'd really like to find 
out how so I can use it myself.  I would not even mind putting together 
documentation on how to make them work.

> means the kernel didn't grok the attempt at doing something involving
> it. either the driver isn't cooperating, or the source you fetched
> doesn't work.

The driver seems to be the issue, at least according to the v4l people.

> one more thing: this is a debian list, not a YDL one ;).

Yeah, well I tried it with Debian first.  My subject says last ditch... 
which means YDL was my last ditch.  A couple weeks ago someone popped up 
on this list with plans to use the driver.  I'm hear to warn him and 
others it's not going to work until something (I'm guessing the driver 
since v4l works with everything else) is fixed.  

Note, I spent an afternoon with a friend trying to hack the driver to no 
avail.  It's not that we've not looked at the source or tried to fix the 
source.  It just will not work.


The punk rock will get you if the government don't get you first.
        --Old 97's
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